Saturday, August 13, 2011

Lace Veil

lace veil
To a certain extent lace, scalloped edge, and mantilla veils all describe similar types of veils: elegant-looking veils that incorporate lace designs and decorative edges. If you are a bride interested in this type of veil, you will probably want to explore all three styles.
Lace Veils
Delicate, lace veils are the ultimate in femininity and range from all-over to edge-only lace designs. The lace itself can be Blonda, Chantilly, or lace-embroidered tulle. The first two are found primarily on vintage or extremely high-quality veils. Today's bride most commonly wears the last type of lace, because of versatility and lower cost:
lace veil
- Handmade Blonda lace incorporates designs crafted from two types of silk: A thin thread for detailing and a thicker one to add depth, more details, or color.
- Chantilly lace is intricately embroidered with vegetable, fruit, or floral designs and is named for the town in France where the lace originated. According to Wikipedia, while most Chantilly lace is black, some white veils bear Chantilly designs.
- Lace-embroidered tulle can be sewn to mimic traditional Chantilly or Blonda lace or reflect other designs.
Lace Trim Veils
Another way to integrate the elegance of lace into your veil is through a lace edge or trim. The veil is made primarily from tulle or other veil material, with lace applied around the edges. This look is highly customizable because the specific material, trim design, and other embellishments vary depending on your preference.
lace veil
Mantilla Veils
When you think of a lace veil, you may envision a mantilla veil -- single-tier with a scalloped edge. Traditionally, mantillas were made from embroidered Chantilly or Blonda lace. Now days, some mantilla veils are made from tulle, with embroidered edging. They are made from a single piece of non-gathered material, which is draped over the head and secured with an unobtrusive comb or pin.
lace veil
Scallop Edge Veils
The distinctive feature about a mantilla veil is its scallop edge. A veil's edge is usually cut straight or on a slight curve. The exception is the scalloped wedding veil, which is cut with a unique edge. Picture the curvy pattern a row of semi-circles makes placed side-by-side. Or, for visual examples, go to Google Images ( and type in Mantilla Veil.
Wearing a Single-Tier, Non-Gathered Veil
Traditionally, lace or mantilla veils are a single, non-gathered oval or round layer of material, to be draped over the head. This creates a sleek and sophisticated appearance, with no pouf or headpiece to interrupt the profile. You can wear this type of veil by pinning or attaching it to your hair with a small comb. You may also want to wear an unobtrusive bow or other hair ornament to hide a pin. If your veil has a scalloped or otherwise unique edge, the traditional way to wear it is so the lace edges softly frame your face and upper body. You may also choose to wear it "blusher style," so the veil covers your face and the edge falls to your bodice. Or, attach the veil to the back of your head so the decorated edges cascade down your back.
lace veil
Gathered and Multi-Tiered Veils
While you will probably want a single-tier for an all-lace veil (to show the lace in its full beauty), you can wear a lace- or scallop-edge veil the same as any other. Do be careful, however, of the effect when considering more than one tier or heavy gathering. You may inadvertently create a busy or "crowded" look, rather than elegant.

Lace Veil, Lace Veil, Lace Veil, Lace Veil, Lace Veil, Lace Veil, Lace Veil, Lace Veil, Lace Veil, Lace Veil, Lace Veil

Bridal Tiaras

bridal tiaras
As you begin choosing a favorite wedding gown style, you will notice a selection of tiaras in most bridal shops. They sparkle, shine, and practically cry out to be modeled. Most brides-to-be cannot resist trying on at least a few of them. Before you make a final choice, however, first understand a few things about the best way to wear a wedding-day tiara.
Tiaras Come in Different Styles
Say the word "tiara" and most of us think of the stereotypical princess tiara -- rhinestones or crystals set in silver or white gold, gaily twinkling to a filigreed, front-and-center point. In reality, there are many variations. Pearl tiaras, with many designs of mixed pearls and crystals, are available. And they are not all set in silver. You can buy yellow gold or gold-plated tiaras, too.
The tiara's shape can vary as well. You can choose a headband style to hug your hair -- with one, two, or three bands -- or an inverted v-band to sit on your forehead. There are also crown-like designs that are a more uniform width than the classical princess styles (and may require a wider hairstyle than peaked versions).
bridal tiaras
Combs and Bands
Tiara construction can also vary. These different constructions dictate how you secure the tiara to your head. Some tiaras have small combs attached on each side, near the end of the bands, to more easily secure the tiara from the sides. Others -- called comb tiaras -- are mounted on a larger, single comb, so you can slip the comb backward into your hair from the front. Still others are made with loops at the end, or plain bands so you can use your hair or hairpins to hold the tiara in place. Take into account your hairstyle and which type of design will be easier to hold in place when choosing your tiara.
A Princess, Beauty Queen, or Bride? It's About Emphasis.
Princesses and beauty queens wear their tiaras on display, predominantly as a status symbol. It is all about what (not who) they are. A wedding, on the other hand, is about the bride herself, not the status of being a Missus. For that reason, a bride's tiara is given a different emphasis than that of a princess or beauty queens. A bridal tiara accents the bride's ensemble. If you compare Princess Diana of Wales' wedding photos to official photos of her wearing the Spencer Family Tiara, for example, you can see the difference between Princess Diana and bride Diana (for photos, go to and type in Diana Spencer Tiara). On her wedding day, the tiara was worn as an accessory, surrounded by the tremendous veil. When worn in an official capacity as a symbol of her status, the tiara was much more obvious.
bridal tiaras
Aside from surrounding a tiara with a veil, the way you wear the headpiece can also make the difference between accent piece and centerpiece. Balanced atop one's head, the tiara is a showpiece, drawing attention to itself. Integrated into the hairdo, it becomes part of the ensemble. You can wrap the tiara around your bun or a mass of curls. Or, tilt it backwards at an angle -- so it does not sit straight up -- and hide the ends beneath your hair. Puff your veil or hair behind a large tiara to de-emphasize it.
Your Hairstyle Matters
Which size and type of tiara works best for you partially depends on your hairstyle. Large hair can carry a large tiara. Small hair means a smaller scale tiara. Consider the front profile. If you wear your hair in a bun, for example, your tiara may be more conspicuous set against the bun or wrapped around it, but your hair will be more conspicuous as well, balancing out the effect. The same tiara that works with the bun may be too tall for a smaller profile hairstyle. If you plan to choose an inexpensive tiara, consider buying two or more and experiment until you find the best look.
bridal tiaras
However you choose to wear your bridal tiara, consult others throughout the process. Ask your hair stylist and those who know you, but will be honest with you about their opinions. Do this and you will find a tiara the looks fabulous and reflects your personality.

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Wedding Accessory

wedding accessory

Bridal wedding accessories are one of the most important parts of the wedding preparation for a bride. This is a day when the bride wants to look most beautiful. All the bridesmaids and maid of honour accompany the bride like fairies escorting their queen. But to make the dream come true, you need to be extra careful to plan everything beforehand. From the smallest detail of a hairpin to major important elements like the wedding ring - everything contributes to the orderly presence of the graceful lady of the day.
But before you organize, you need to know about different types of wedding accessories for brides. Without a detailed list of everything you need for the bridal party, you will not be able to make the day perfect. So here is little help and information on wedding accessory for a bride that will help you truly enjoy the most beautiful day of your life.
· Accessories for the brides
The list of wedding accessory for brides is long and full of small and intricate details. It starts from the beautiful bridal gowns, which is considered among one of the most unique wedding accessories for the bride. The fine satin white dress draping the beautiful lady comes decorated with fine lace and silver works. It is accompanied with bridal veils of lace and shiny stone works. The white satin gloves or the lace gloves cover the hands which will be embraced with the eternal ring. The bridal hair accessories include bridal tiara, designers' hair pins and clips.
wedding accessory
These wedding accessories also incorporate bridal shoes, which are available from branded designers in a wide range of colors, size and styles. One can access online wedding accessories sites to find suitable bridal wedding accessory quite easily. The wedding jewelry set for the bride is also another important part of the accessories. The smaller elements like garters, handkerchiefs, fashion accessories, purse and bags should not be overlooked either.
The arrangement becomes complete with a ready at hand bridal emergency kit. This kit should be prepared with an additional set of tights and stockings, needles and strings, make - up set, tissues, safety pin and scissors, tampon, flip-flops, comb, hair pins, hairspray, perfume , etc.
wedding accessory
· Accessories for the flower girls and for showering
The flower girls carry flower petals in beautiful baskets. So you can go for pink or red rose petals and a set of cute and glamorous flower baskets. You can always go for personalised wedding accessories in case of designing your own custom flower buckets. For the showering tradition you can use confetti, confetti cones, flower petals, bird seeds, bubbles etc.
· Accessories for the ring bearer
Selection of the ring is very important. Choose the ring with all your love, passion and taste for style and elegance. This is a part of the accessories that will remain with you all your life. Also do not forget the ring bearer pillow to carry the ring in a graceful manner. The ring bearer pillow should also be chosen keeping in mind the design and appeal of the ring.
· Accessories for the bridal party
The bridal party accessories include special gifts for the maid of honour, bridesmaid, flower girls and every one accompanying the bride. The wedding accessories for a bride remain incomplete without the expression of her warm appreciation for the bridal party guests. Make a bridal party itinerary to keep everyone aware of the marriage programs taking place and their role in it.
With this basic information you can now plan your purchases and look for affordable wedding accessories. Careful planning and research will help you gather the right bridal wedding accessories that will make your day perfect.

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